
Is Islam Evil? Essay II

Essay II

Islam and the West: A Brief History

“In this final phase, the world of the infidels was divided between two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United Sates. We have now dealt successfully with the more deadly, the more dangerous of the two infidel powers. Dealing with the soft, pampered, and degenerate Americans will be easy.”

---Osama bin Laden

What does bin Laden mean by “this final phase”? He refers to history, the final phase of history before Islam rules the globe on behalf of Allah. He uses “we” to address not only his immediate followers but the entirety of the Islamic world. Further, he assumes they have an appreciation for Islamic history since Muslim raiders first erupted from the Arabian Peninsula to declare jihad on the rest of humanity. By 750 A.D. Islam ravaged much of the known world. Bin Laden’s followers know their history, its victories, its recent defeats and its desire for a final victory. They know their history.

Do you?


1. Palestine 70 A.D.
2. Rome Falls, Christian Europe is Born
3. Palestine and the Coming of Islam
4. Jihad and Sexual Tension

Note to new readers:

Comments have been made that this blog is "bigoted" because it observed that Islam is intrinsically evil--that is, that Islam teaches evil in the Qur'an and the Hadiths (See glossary) .

To make such a statement is not bigoted if it can be shown from Islam's own teachings--political and religious-- that its premises give rise to evil.

An important distinction: I have not said that Muslims are all evil. That is quite false. What is asserted here is that Islamic teaching is gravely flawed and is a breeding ground for all manner of evil. In some quarters there are Islamic teachers of moderation. But these are "modern" and according to some Islamic leaders such moderation is opposed to Mohamed's teaching.

These essays demonstrate that Islam is first a political and military system, and as such dominates its origin as a religion.

Please find resources including glossary, Qur'an , bibliography and maps Down in the Hollow (see also link at right) To better understand this second essay, please see Essay I on Islam

Palestine 70 A.D.

The water was gone. Vespasian’ engineers diverted the wells and inside the Temple Mount every throat was seared from thirst. Roman soldiers swarmed through breeches in the walls. The few who had escaped to the Temple during the siege of Jerusalem now faced a brutal slaughter.

Some years earlier violence erupted in Caesarea, Nero looking on from Rome, when Greeks invaded the seaside city. By 66 A.D faithful Jews managed to seize the traitor Herod’s fortress, Massada, overwhelming the Roman garrison. The Jewish band inspired other “rebels” to move on Jerusalem, to the Temple; there they forced the heretical priests to cease their blasphemous sacrifices to Emperor Nero. Rome answered their rebellion.

Now the horrors recounted in Josephus’ history, Jewish Wars, gripped the emaciated Jewish survivors of the three-year Roman siege as they huddled within the walls of the Temple. So few Jews were left in Jerusalem that cats outnumbered people.

A generation earlier, in 33 A.D., after Christ was crucified, resurrected and ascended to heaven, His followers were instructed to “Go ye into all the world….” The first Christians –mostly Jews—no longer considered the Temple in Jerusalem to be the center of their faith or identity, though it was revered. Their faith included Jewish history, the prophets and the books of the Old Testament, but was newly centered in God made Man in the Person of Jesus. Jesus, now understood as God, the Second Person of the Trinity, promised to be with them bodily, though supernaturally, in the Mass. Hence, worship did not depend on a location or a building.

Palestine—literally land of the Philistines, a Greek people who settled in Canaan about 12th cent, B.C.—was the Holy Land, but He who made it holy was with Christians wherever the Mass was celebrated.

These disciples established Christian communities all over the Hellenized world (Greek and Latin speaking cultures of the Mediterranean and the Middle East) as well as North Africa and parts of India. In Antioch, they were first called “Christians.” Some Christians remained in Jerusalem where Herod the Great persecuted them-- beheading the apostle James, first bishop of Jerusalem. Yet, the early Christian efforts at evangelization had moved far beyond the borders of hereditary Israel. Those who remained in Israel after the Christian expansion were Jews who lived in an uneasy division—those faithful to Jewish law, and those who, like Herod and the apostate priests of the Temple, maintained their power via collusion with detested Rome.

Now Jerusalem was on fire. Battering rams hurled boulders against the temple walls…when the city was finally subdued, the temple lay utterly destroyed.

The few survivors were taken slaves and Jews were forbidden to reenter the city. Jewish faith, deprived of its Temple, was forced to abandon its daily sacrifices as commanded in the Old Testament; the Jewish priesthood was obliterated along with the Temple and all that remained was the rabbinic authority.

The “Diaspora” or dispersed Jews formed communities in Rome, Carthage, and Iberia (Spain). Many traveled to what is today Eastern Europe and Russia. Some joined the ancient Jewish settlements in the Arabian Peninsula(See Essay I).

Jerusalem was then colonized by those Rome permitted to scavenge among the ruins of the once magnificent city. Pagan practices flourished. Sporadic rebellions by small Jewish armies flare up against the Romans until 135 A.D. However, the Romans resettle “Syria- Palestine” with Gentiles. Small Jewish settlements remain on the borders of Palestine.

Islam lay 500 years in the future.

Rome Falls, Christian Europe Is Born

Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 312. His predecessors, particularly Diocletian, persecuted Christians, burning their homes, churches and books. Christians were imprisoned and enslaved and even children were beheaded.

After his conversion, the Emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christian worship lawful. Under Constantine a renewed interest in the Holy Land spurred rebuilding in the historic cities of Palestine. Under his patronage and that of his mother, Helena, hundreds of Catholic Churches were built—most notably the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Thousands of Christians moved to Palestine (Israel) to be in the land where their Savior lived. More came on pilgrimage. At this time the Jewish population was a small minority. (picture?)

The Emperor also built an imperial city in Byzantium (Turkey), the famed Constantinople, modern day Istanbul. Byzantium is the Eastern Roman Empire—the Greek speaking half of the Empire. Greek culture predominated. Historians often date the birth of “Christendom” from the conversion of Constantine and the Edict of Milan. When the legal structure of the empire favored Christianity, it permitted Christians to assume office, seek education, build cities and establish a Christian culture. (Pagans however were not persecuted, nor prevented from continuing their “outmoded practices” in the emperor’s words.)

Meanwhile, in the heart of Persia (Modern day Iraq and Iran), Christians were tolerated. The Chaldean Church (Iraq) is one of the oldest in Christian history. After Constantine converted, some Persian rulers persecuted Christians because they were now allies of the detested Roman Emperor.

The key point to consider is that Christianity was well established both geographically as well as culturally throughout Roman Empire by 350A.D. including Palestine and much of the Middle East, and even as far as India and the British Isles. (The apostle Thomas established a Catholic community in India by 70 A.D., Bartholomew in Arabia, St. James to Spain.) Christians assimilated both Greek learning and the Roman Rule of Law. Missionaries were sent to Britain, France and beyond. Both England and France had a strong Christian culture by 400 A.D. In a few short centuries the peaceful spread of Christianity covered large areas of three continents. Christians needed no swords, no pillage, and no promises of eternal orgies in exchange for the massacre of unbelievers.

In contrast, three hundred years later, as Islamic jihad gouged out a new map of the Middle East, the method of "evangelization" was by the sword. While both Christianity and Islam would make claims for their faith as the final revelation from God, the method of spreading their respective messages stand in stark contradiction.

When Julian the Pagan became emperor (361-63) Christians again fled persecution, reminiscent of the early persecutions. Drawings and inscriptions on the walls of Roman catacombs detail the plight of the persecuted. (picture). Julian also turned his hatred on the Persians, fomenting a simmering war that continued for 200 years, depleting and weakening the entire region of east of Palestine.

(at left: Christ as Good Shepherd on wall of the Catacombs in Rome)

St. Augustine (4th cent.) thought that Providence had ordered history so that Christianity would take root very quickly throughout the known world. That famous Pax Romana --the general lawfulness and order and the efficient Roman governance, provisions (roads), insured that missionary travels could be readily achieved—to carry out the Savior’s command to “go ye into all the world”. Most citizens spoke Latin and Greek—a common language also makes evangelization easier.

The wealth and education of the Empire meant populated cities—in short, within a 150 years the Christian gospel had reached the outer bands of the Roman Empire, which ruled 60 million inhabitants.

The Roman Empire to the West fell in 475 to the barbarian hordes. The Huns, expelled a half-century earlier from China, gradually made heir way westward. They, drove out Goths, Franks, Vandals, Sueves, Lombards, Saxons—all of these found a bloated soft “empire” whose borders were ill governed, ill protected. (hmmm? Sound familiar?)

All of the area we call the “West” was suddenly comprised of new nations: Lombards in Italy, a Goths and Visigoths migrated to Spain, the Frankish kingdom in Gaul, and the Angles and Saxons in the British Isles. The Dark Ages began—essentially a brutish chaos, fighting between the barbarians and the citizens of the former Roman Empire. Much of the learning and culture of the Roman era were lost to the average citizen.

The lightening spread of Christendom had followed the implosion of an empire under a series of debauched and lazy emperors. Christians suffered persecution and tortuous deaths. This suffering witness needed no armies to “convert” others. It is reasonable to assume that at this hinge moment—wit the empire crumbling around them—people were open to hearing the Christian message.

When barbarians confronted the early Popes, they met a message, not an army. Attila the Hun turned back from Rome when the elderly Pope Leo met him at the outskirts of the city, asking Attila as “conqueror of peoples” to conquer his own wrath and in mercy to turn back his raiders for the city of Rome was unable to defend itself. (Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 35).

Christians set about preserving the wealth of Greek, Jewish and Roman learning –great monasteries with scriptoriums salvaged enormously important human achievements in the arts, agriculture, history, math and science as well as languages and of course, the scriptures. And they evangelized the invading tribes, most of them converted. Missionaries were sent throughout Europe and into Russia. (St. Patrick converted Ireland around the year 432, St. Columba evangelized Northern Scotland 590s.) These were the forebears –in genetics and in faith of most of the European population today.

Though the Roman Empire fell, Christianity grew. Christian principles taught that every person has an equal and inherent dignity before God, the Father of all. One’s eternal worth did not depend on one’s financial or social worth. [Cato saw the slave is chattel, an economic instrument with no right to human dignity. In contrast, St. Paul sends the runaway slave Onesimus back to his master to be “received not now as a slave, but instead of a slave, a most dear brother, especially to me. But how much more to thee, both in the flesh and in the Lord”] One may be the squire, the other a groomsman, but both were brothers in Christ. Each has an obligation to the other as Christians first, as squire and groom second. This creed is the foundation of European law, a Europe that is the birthplace of “human rights’ ”law. Christianity saved Western Europe from both pagan barbarism and Eastern nihilism, in the form of esoteric and Gnostic—essentially anti-humanistic—values.

Most of what we value in our civilization — hospitals, museums, universities, and the idea of human rights — is by origin Christian. These civilizing institutions and ideals did not arrive with the Vikings or Germanic tribes, or from the Eastern Gnostics.

Despite intra familial fighting, Europe was forged as a people with the same worldview. That worldview was fused to the Greek and Roman traditions and learning that the monks preserved during the darkest reign of barbarians or despots. It is said that the Christian faith created Europe and Europe created the Modern World.

Palestine and the Coming of Islam

Meanwhile, back at the oasis— The Persians (Sassanid dynasty) continued their advances against the Byzantines (eastern Empire) They took Damascus and Jerusalem, yanked the True Cross from the Church in Jerusalem and off loaded it in Ctesiphon, a massive city on the banks of the Tigris River in what is now Iraq. It was the ultimate insult.

Naturally, Emperor Heraclius takes a posse-- bearing the Mandylion (Later known as the Shroud of Turin) as their banner-- to retrieve the hunk of the True Cross (629 A.D.)

But this two hundred year seesaw war exhausts both the Byzantine and the Persian empires—providing a crucial opportunity for the Arab Muslims who have the urge to flex their new powers against something beyond the Arabia Peninsula. (Besides, there was great enmity between the Persians and the Arabs).

The Persians—thus depleted and lying around panting—had nothing left to fight off the Desert Terror—that is, the Muslin warriors took Ctesiphon in 637, when Umar was Caliph.

Over on the Mediterranean, in Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Christians had their own internal wars—a lot of energy spent on disputes over heresies. (Palestine harbored partisans of the Monophysite heresy.) This made them ripe for a takeover by the Persians with the aid of the Jews who hoped the Persians would restore what the Romans took from them –Damascus fell in 613, Palestine in 614. Byzantines recovered the Holy Land for the Christians by 630. Soon thereafter Mohamed orders invasion of Palestine …a skirmish only since the he is dying.

By 632 --the year of Mohamed's death, the Muslims rule the Arabian peninsula. Next Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, and Persia --all belonging to the Persians or the Byzantines--succumb to jihad. After mourning, the Muslims renew their assault on the Holy Land and 634 Gaza goes Muslim and Christians flee ahead of the scimitars.

By 638, Jerusalem was controlled by Muslims. For 1300 years the Jews and Christians of Palestine have lived in dhimmitude.

[Mohammed once insisted that his followers must face Jerusalem when praying—thought to be a ploy to gain the support of the Jews of Mecca and Medina. The Koran does not mention Jerusalem. Yet it is supposed to be the site from which the prophet “ascended to Heaven” on his famous a night journey dream. Later caliphs decided this event took place in Jerusalem. They built the Dome of the Rock had been built in 687, and today the Al-Aqsa Mosque stands on the same site.]

After the Muslims conquered Syria (north of Palestine) they marched straight for Constantinople –first raid is in 675 or so…but it was repulsed. Not easily put off, the Muslims swarm over the island nations of Cyprus, Rhodes and Crete. Here brutality went unchecked—as though some demonic rage fueled its energy. With vast plunder to enrich its war coffers, Islamic warriors invaded, with no provocation, the first European “nation” —Cyprus, a Byzantine protectorate. The majority population was Greek. Two Muslim armies converged, 1700 warships strong (649). Those who escaped massacre were invited to pay vast sums in tribute to the governor of Muslim Syria.

The battles for Crete and Rhodes followed the first jihad raid on Cyprus. At Rhodes the famous Colossus of Rhodes (built in 290 BC) —one of the seven wonders of the ancient world—was disassembled and shipped back to Syria in 73 boats—there the Saracens (Muslims) sold it for scrap metal. Next jihad turned on Sicily and Sardinia, “sacking cities, carrying off booty and beautiful maidens.” (688 A.D.)

Islamic armies in the Mediterranean were led by an enormous personality, Muawiya, son of Abu Sufyan, who had once tried to kill Mohamed in battle. Abu was a businessman first, when Mohammed conquered Mecca, Abu converted. His son went on to become one of history’s greatest warriors.

Jihad and Sexual Tension

After the jihad on the islands of the Mediterranean, Islam swarmed over North Africa decimating Christian towns, burning and looting from churches and homes--then over the straights of Gibraltar into Spain (711) where they begin an eight-hundred year reign of wars, rape, slavery, pillage, and every manner of domination. Conquered populations were offered three “peaceful” choices: Convert to Islam, the sword, or pay yearly tributes and live as second-class citizens. Plunder and slaughter always preceded the persuasive offer.

How shall we assess the unparalleled military victories of the Muslims? In a scant hundred years after Mohamed’s death vast stretches of the former Byzantine and Roman Empires had fallen to the Saracen sword. Military scholars remain amazed at the ferocity of the Muslim warriors—an intensity never reached and sustained by other armies.

Two primary answers:

  1. Muslim warriors were taught that it was their religious duty to kill infidels—and by such duty save their own souls from damnation—either kill or suffer hell. As an added incentive the warrior who fell in battle against infidels received his multiple “houris” (maidens of pleasure) and orgasms that lasted “years”. Thus stimulated before battle, Muslim jihadists devoutly sought this eternity of sexual pleasure, not unlike the kamikaze pilots of WWII. This sexualized eternity stood in sharp contrast to the spiritual beneficence that Christianity promised. For the man who survived in battle the rewards were only slightly less appealing: plunder and spoils to fill his camel bags and the sex-slaves made of conquered women.

From the Hadiths of AL-Tirmidhi (892): “A houri is the most beautiful young woman, transparent in body. Her marrow is visible like the interior lines of pearls and rubies. She is as red wine in a white glass. Her body is of white color, and she is free from the physical weaknesses of an ordinary woman such as menstruation, menopause, urinal and offal discharge, and bodily pollution, she does not bear a child. A houri is a young girl showing large round breasts, firm and that do not dangle. Houris dwell in splendid palaces.”

Note that the Qur’an itself does not promise the number of houris a martyr enjoys…that number is found in the hadiths. It is in the Islamic Traditions that we find the 72 virgins in heaven specified: Al-Tirmidhi in the Book of Sunan (volume IV).

As detailed Al-Suyuti (died 1505), an Our’anic scholar: "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.”

Where on earth, literally, could a common man find such pleasures? A poor desert warrior is beguiled with promises that he is to become like Mohamed, a pitiless slayer of infidels, who surely took his fill of pleasure and yet was “holy”

At the risk of titillating readers of this blog, no more examples need be given –but imagine for a moment hordes of confined men at some forsaken desert garrison with too few earthly houris to go around…. how easily the man becomes a willing and ferocious martyr to his urgent imaginings of eternal sexual bliss—a type of bliss not found by any man on earth. Imagine too, death by scimitar from behind should you fail to fight the infidel in front of you.

  1. The second critical factor to the astonishing success of Islamic jihad in the early years of Islam is that their targets were weakened by years of war and lacked cohesive leadership. Worse, perhaps, was the religious disunity due to the rise in of heretical sects.

Part II

The Crusades: Liberation of Christians in the Holy Land

…. Coming next…


Euro Leader: " Islam is Totalitarian", "Barbarian"

Europeans, weary of the civil strife that un-assimilated Muslims immigrants provoke, have slowly begun to speak up about the factual history of Islam. The politically correct gloss on cultural clashes has not brought the stability that Eurocrats had hoped their faked rhetoric would build.

In Austria politician Susanne Winter said that Islam is "a totalitarian system of domination that should be thrown back to its birthplace..." and noted that the prophet Mohamed was "a child molester"--reference to his "marriage" to six year old Alisha, a union that was consummated when the child was nine years old.

The increase in the incidence of barbarian practices--notably female genital mutilation--alarms Europe. This horrifying practice is emblematic of the Islamic attitude toward women.

Increasingly the average European's daily life requires engagement with tense Islamic elements.

A new chapter in the history of the West and Islam is being written. The ancient strife has never been resolved, merely gone dormant. The West will once again learn what their forebears won when Islam was repelled at the gates of Vienna and when Queen Isabel of Spain thrust the last of the Moors from Granada.


Pop Quiz on Islamic Europe

Note to New Readers: Welcome! The dialect on this blog is "cracker"...some posts are "translated" into standard English.

Muslim immigrants to Europe:

1. Are Islamic moderates who seek only asylum from mild-mannered visionaries like Ahmadinejad and who work to adapt to their new European communities.

2. Are agents of diversity and bring intelligent, beneficial, multicultural values to European nations and are highly values as neighbors.

3. Have rescued Europe from their lawless backward barbarism and spread a respect for science, art and human rights while maintaining a peaceful process of inculturation and family values.

4. Have announced that they will dominate Europe by 2020 and will enforce Sharia (Islamic) law on every man, woman, child and beast. This is commanded by Allah, PBUH.

Yore score______

In the previous post, the She-pup observed that the real-time reports of the people most intimate with Eurabia (Islamic invaded Europe) are often dismissed by Western Liberals.

Why? 'Cause for liberals an image of themselves as "tolerant" is
more important than actual facts of the culture war. Libs is infected wif'a virus called "saving the appearances." The appearance of a world that can be saved from butchery and war by "tolerance" is the fiction they cling to so that need not actually face the wrenchin' truth of thangs.

Kudos to the She-Pup for correctly analyzing the situation of the West and Islam.

Below is is a report from a Dutch blog that illuminates the struggle in real communities in Europe. Aunty thinks Americans need to feel the pull of the reality vortex that will soon suck at our own substance.

Note: I ain't checked this blogs claims wif' mah sources yet, so ain't swearin' it is all true--ya'll read and decide.

* * * *
Today the Dutch conservative blog HetVrijeVolk.com published a furious email from the Rotterdam Labor Party councillor Bouchra Ismaili. I quote: "Listen well, you crazy freak. We are here to stay! Hahahaha. Drop dead! I am a Dutch Muslim and I will stay that way until I die." Ismaili contends: "You are the foreigners here!!! With Allah on my side I fear no one. Me and my fellow Muslims are alive! Your species is being consumed by hatred. Let me give you some advice: Convert to Islam and find peace at heart!" Now what exactly made Ismaili go snap? A certain Jos Parbleu had sent her two quotes from the Turkish-Dutch Okay Pala, the local leader of the radically Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir. During an interview with the newspaper De Telegraaf he had said: "We reject freedom of speech, because we reject democracy," and "What you need is a heavy bomb attack". Hizb ut-Tahrir is also known for activities such as handing out Islamist pamphlets in Dutch cities. In those pamphlets, Hizb ut-Tahrir calls for action against those who insult Islam, or against the infidels in general. According to the Dutch Secret Service, Hizb ut-Tahrir regards itself "not yet strong enough to use violence" in the struggle for Islamic world domination. Fortunately, there are more than enough moderate Muslims in the Netherlands. You know, the ones that have embraced liberal democracy. Those brand new middle class Muslims that will protect us against the radicals. Succesful immigrant politicians like... Bouchra Ismaili.

* * *

Job Cohen, the Labor Party mayor of Amsterdam, has officially started worrying. In his New Year's speech held on Tuesday night, he called the 'underachievement of some youths' one of Amsterdam's biggest issues. The policies on juvenile criminals, the mayor added, have failed. Hearing this from a mayor, who by many is known as a politically correct radical, can be recorded as the first break-through of 2008.

But for most people in the Netherlands the mayor's outcry is old wine in even older bottles. Real life people have known for a decade or so that the problem is the Moroccan street terrorists, who are dying to start another mini-jihad against Dutch society. The very night before Cohen's speech, these youths had attacked the police station at the August Allebé square in West Amsterdam. Windows were crashed and three police cars went up in flames.

Some of the Moroccan youths are the children or grand children of the guest workers recruited from Morocco in the 60s and early 70s. But when the recruitments stopped in 1973, the number of Moroccans in the Netherlands stood at a mere 22 thousand. The largest part of the Moroccan community entered the country through marriage immigration (the socalled right of family reunion), bringing the population to 329 thousand in 2007.

While billions of euros have been spent on literacy programs, Dutch language and integration courses, additional school subsidies, neighborhood hang-outs and multicultural street parties, Moroccans are notoriously 'underachieving'. The Dutch journalist Fleur Jurgens in her book Het Marokkanendrama summarized that 60 pct of the adults live on welfare, and that 70 pct of the youths drop out of school without a useful diploma. According to a 2006 research, 40 pct of the same youths reject a Western lifestyle, and 6 pct is even willing to use violence to defend Islam. The tolerant welfare state, celebrated as a role model to the world in the multicultural 90s, seems to have created a monster.

* * *

The second essay on Islam, "Islam and the West, A Brief History" is in translation and will be posted soon.


Terror from the Heart of Islam : One Turkish Man's View

Of interest to our discussion is
this December 2007 report by Turkish National, Zafer Senocak, 46, who has lived in Berlin since the 1970s. The article (in German) appeared in a popular German paper.

[ note: text in RED is Aunty Belle's own emphasis]


Terror Comes from the Heart of Islam

You will not find the true face of Islam at the German Conference on Islam. You find it in countries like Pakistan. This Islam turns against all who don't live by the rules of the Koran - against democrats, against atheists and above all, against women. And the world watches in paralysis.

Koran and violence: Do they belong together?

Even if most Muslims do not admit it, terror belongs to the core dogma of Islam, it comes directly from the Koran. It turns against all who do not live and act according to the rules of the Koran, that is democrats, western inspired thinkers and scientists, against agnostics and atheists. And above all, it is directed directly against women. Islam is a tool in the hands of male traditionalists who strive with all might to prevent women from attaining equal rights and to free themselves from the yoke of the centuries.

[The true Islam, like you find it in countries like Pakistan], has started a world war. But the world behaves as if it knows nothing about it. Modern people are aware some conflict exists far away in the "back yards of Turkey". Unfortunately, in our modern networked world there is no "far away backyards" any more. There is only our "front door", and that's the place where things happen. The totalitarian intent of the Taliban and the terror cells is probably worse than that of fascism, it is not the result of a civilizing process. It exists in an environment where even the memory of civilized progress has ceased to exist.

This should be the call of those Muslims who see more in their religion than a blueprint for barbarism: To oppose the ghouls in their own rank and file, determined and with the necessary harshness. But alas, when they do it, if ever, it is only half spirited. Islam has nothing to do with terror, maintains the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Other politicians scramble over each other to compose the most convincing condolence messages after each act of terror. Outright grotesque is the situation in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom trembles before the terrorists who it itself has created.

Muslims all over the world find themselves on the test bench. They pay for the neglect of previous generations. The spiritual decline and the inability to communicate with the modern world has led to the deplorable present situation. The times call for a coordinated effort from all people of reason. Islamic terror has spread to the whole world. The opposition is only half hearted, slow, and reluctant to a concentrated effort. To reach results, the common sense of the common people would have to go against the blind hatred of the fanatics. The opposite happens, the hatred is more and more being adopted by the masses. Still worse, many illegitimate despots ally themselves with the hatred to secure their throne. To make the situation worse, Muslims engage more and more in theological rhetorics. The vital question, how their religion can be made to sustain the development of a modern civilization, is largely avoided.

The free world is paralyzed

This behavior of the Muslims has certainly psychological reasons. People feel inferior compared to the west, humiliated and betrayed. But the political consequences of this psychosis are terrible. It plays into the hands of those who fan the flames of terrorism in order to create chaos in the Muslim world. It plays into the hand of those who see an interest in terrorism, and it prevents the establishment of democratic systems and judicial processes. Poverty and corruption find optimal conditions to grow in the Islamic world, an evil circle. This evil circle must be broken with the help of the free world and with military power, because nothing else has any effect! Those who fight in Afghanistan cannot pretend that nothing is wrong in Pakistan. The murder of Benazir Bhutto was preprogrammed. The fall of the Gaza strip to the Hamas terrorists was also foreseeable.

But the free world watches paralyzed. There was a lot of scorn in Europe over the American policy in Iraq. When it comes to criticism, nobody can beat the Europeans. Own ideas and political concepts are however scarce. The European policies towards the Muslim terror lacks power and resolve. Some countries want to negotiate, with Hamas, with the Taliban. Nuclear reactors for Gaddafi, roll out the red carpet for the Saudi king! In the end, the petrodollar rules. The west does not understand how deeply it hurts itself and betrays its own values. The Islamic terrorists go from one victory to the next. Benazir Bhutto will not be the last victim of the failed appeasement policy towards radical Islam.

Translated and edited by Wiking


Muslims Threaten WGA Writers on Strike

Find writers on strike in the picket
lines and behead them????

Well, is we'uns surprised?

After all, the Jihadi movement has long fingered Hollywood as the epicenter of all that is debauched in America. Some of us even agree that much of Hollywood is in need of massive reform.

Point is that, once again, Islam resorts to violence as the first method of engagement.

* * *

(shamelessly lifted from another site) :

The following was posted (but has now been removed) in the "Rants and Raves" section of Craigslist / Los Angeles:

MAY THE WRITERS STRIKE LAST FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allah be praised for quieting their evil tongues!

Let the plagues of Allah rain down upon Hollywood Blvd!

Let their brain fluids run down the gutters of Sunset Strip!

They have corrupted the minds of all youth with their blasphemous speech!

Let them die of starvation so that Allah may judge them with the torment of vipers!

Let their bodies rot in the mojave desert as rabbits feast upon their decomposing flesh!

Let the field mice dine upon their eyeballs as they sleep in alcoholic stupor!

We shall not weep for these demons but we shall rejoice as their intestines are thinly sliced for fish net bait.

They place the words inside the mouths of the unwary actor. They are the sexual thoughts of the deviant of darkness.

May the Chinese stir fry their lungs for the Director's guild meeting.

Let all Muslims rise up and seek them out on their picket lines. The Prophet has already said to behead these infidels. As it was said, so shall it be done.

* * * There ya' have it folks****

(Even iffin' it cracks yore teeth, pray fer Muslim folks all over the world.)


Honor Killings in USA, Plus Soldiers Speak out

More from the Religion of Peace? Father murders teen daughters.


Area police continue to search for a man who they believe killed his two teenage daughters and left their bodies in a taxi at an Irving hotel.

Police sealed off a street and surrounded the man’s home in Lewisville for more than five hours Wednesday but found that Yaser Abdel Said, 50, a cabdriver, was not inside.

He is being sought in connection with the deaths of Amina Yaser Said, 18, and Sarah Yaser Said, 17.

Both victims died of multiple gunshot wounds, the Dallas County medical examiner’s office ruled Wednesday…

But will the West ever recognize the true threat? From LTC Joseph C. Myers, Army Advisor to the Air Command and Staff College:

"More importantly we have not studied Islamic Law and few have seen or heard of even the English translation of it that has been in print for years, none had at JSOU or had read a work titled Understanding Jihad, War and Peace in the Law of Islam or even The Quranic Concept of War...I can go on but let me be frank.

This failure of intellectual preparation is a leadership failure, and it is as the 9-11 Commission warned, a failure of vision.

We have spent much intellectual capitol revamping and analyzing our own doctrine as it relates to counterinsurgency...it's time we do our homework on the threat...We began on September 12, 2001 with "Islam is a religion of peace," which soothed ideological sentiments of many but has failed us strategically, short-stopped the objective, sytstemic evaluation of the threat doctrine..."Islam is a religion of peace" is fine for public policy statements, but is not and cannot be the point of departure for competent military or intelligence analysis...it is in fact a logical flaw under any professional research methodology...you have stated the conclusion before you have done the analysis."